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Simple and Healthy Yogurt Bark to Make with Your Kids Today

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I love trying new and healthy snack ideas that my kids will enjoy. We are a busy homeschool family, and I don’t have nearly as much time as I think I have. I believe it is the plight of every mom. So, when I kept coming across yogurt bark, it seemed easy to make and healthy too. I decided to give it a try.

Yogurt Bark

So, you may be wondering what yogurt bark is?

It is yogurt frozen in a thin layer and broken into pieces.

Yeah, it really is that simple.

However, you can customize it to whatever you and your family like.

How to Make Yogurt Bark

I will share a simple berry yogurt bark that I made. It is super tasty and refreshing.


  1. Nonfat plain yogurt {You can use your own homemade yogurt. Here’s how to make it.}
  2. Artificial sweetener or sweetener of your choice
  3. Berries (strawberries and blueberries)
  4. Vanilla (optional)


  • Aluminum foil
  • Cookie sheet
  • Mixing bowl
  • Knife
  • Spoon
  • Cutting board


  • First, you prepare the cookie sheet. Place aluminum foil on your cookie sheet. It is a good idea to leave some hanging over the pan, so you have something to grab on to.
  • Next, get out your cutting board, a knife, and your strawberries and blueberries. Cut the strawberries into small pieces, but you can leave the blueberries whole. I had about 1 cup of berries.
  • Once the berries are prepped, place 2 cups of yogurt in a mixing bowl. Since nonfat, plain yogurt isn’t sweet, you may want to add sweetener. I added one packet of Truvia. You could use whatever your favorite sweetener is and add as much as you need to suit your taste.  
  • Next, I added a teaspoon of vanilla.
  • Now, mix the berries in the yogurt. If you think you need more berries, now is the time to cut up more and mix them in.
  • Once everything is mixed, spoon the yogurt mixture onto your prepared cookie sheet. For the two cups of yogurt, I only covered half of my cookie sheet. You want your yogurt to be ~1/2 inch thick. However, it doesn’t need to be exact.
healthy snack for kids
  • Next, you pop the cookie sheet in the freezer for a couple hours.
  • When the yogurt and berries are frozen, lift the aluminum foil off the sheet. You can peel it away from the yogurt bark. I then snapped the bark into different-sized pieces.
  • Now it is ready to eat! You may want to let it warm up a little, so it isn’t so hard.
  • Store the leftovers in an airtight container.
yogurt bark snacks

Variations on Yogurt Bark

What is nice about yogurt bark is that you can adjust it to your family’s personal taste. You can experiment with the flavors. You could:

  • Add nuts.
  • Mix in dried fruit.
  • Used flavored yogurt (though that adds more sugar to it)
  • Add cocoa powder.
  • Try adding powdered peanut butter and chocolate chips.
  • Experiment with different fruits.

There is so much you can do with this. Kids will love experimenting with different flavors.

Yogurt bark makes a yummy treat but also a nice cool snack for hot summer days. Plus, it is a healthy option any time of year.

Want other ideas for treats?


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