Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
Over the past few weeks, my family has been trying out the HelpTeaching Pro Subscription from HelpTeaching.com. The site is a homeschool resource that has some helpful features.

HelpTeaching Pro Subscription
HelpTeaching Pro Subscription is an online membership that has many different features. You can browse their menu of tests and worksheets, create your own, or find a lesson. Kids can even do tests and lessons online.
Take a look at the dashboard.
As you can see, their resources cover many different subjects for grades K-12. When you search for assignments, you can search by grade level or subject area.
Tests and Worksheets
On the site, they have tests and worksheets ready to use. All you need to do is print it out, and your kids are ready to begin. The pre-made tests and worksheets are all multiple-choice questions. They even provide an answer key.
However, if you can’t find a test you want or want more than multiple-choice questions, you can make your own. You can make your own tests with true or false, fill in the blank, and other such questions if you want. It can be a valuable homeschool resource. It makes the test making easy.
Online Lessons
HelpTeaching.com offers online lessons, too. The lessons give a brief overview of a topic, a video to watch, and a couple of questions to answer. All you need to do is bring up the lesson on the computer. Now if you want your kids to do the assignments online, you can email the link to your kids, or send it to Google Classroom. Kids hop on, do the assignment, and you can check their work.
Printable Games and Worksheet Generator
The Printable Games and Worksheet Generator provide a fun way for kids to practice skills. You can make word searches, BINGO cards, and math worksheets.
Test Room
Lastly, the Test Room gives parents the option to create online tests. Kids use a link that is emailed to them and take the test.
How We Used this Homeschool Resource
For this review, we tried a few different parts of this online aid. My kids were finishing 5th and 7th grade at the time of the review. I chose to work at their grade level or a grade above.
Online Lessons with Kids
I assigned each kid online lessons. Since we have Google Classroom, I assigned the lessons to each kids’ “classroom.” It was very easy.
The only problem we ran into is with my son. My son is 11. With Google, he isn’t able to access YouTube until he is 13. He can only use YouTube Kids. Therefore, he couldn’t use Google Classroom since the videos use YouTube videos. He needed to use my computer and not his Chromebook.
My son worked on poetry lessons. After he did the online lesson, I found a worksheet that went with it.
For my daughter, I assigned an astronomy lesson. She could open the lesson easily in Google Classroom since she is 13 and has access to YouTube. It was a simple lesson on constellations.
Second half of screen with video
Worksheets with Kids
I also used some of HelpTeaching.com’s worksheets. I used pre-made ones, and I used the Worksheet Generator.
The worksheets are all multiple-choice questions. They contain up to 10 questions on a topic. We did some poetry worksheets, one on the book Animal Farm and one on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and some reading worksheets. There is only one worksheet on each topic. There are some Literature Studies that have questions for each chapter, but most of the site has one worksheet per topic per grade.

I used the Worksheet Generator to make an Animal Farm word search for my daughter. It was very simple to use. I liked this tool.

Lastly, my kids are using the Reading Challenge sheet for the summer. Kids are given different challenges like read a poem, read a book recommended by a friend, and read a book that looks boring. They have 15 challenges.

Thoughts on Using This As A Homeschool Resource
HelpTeaching.com has some useful features. I did like the Worksheet Generator and the ability to create my own tests if wanted. It is also nice to assign Online Lessons to my kids in Google Classroom.
However, I found it hard to incorporate this site into our homeschool. The site has limited resources on each topic. Some topics my kids are studying only had a worksheet or lesson available at a much higher grade level. I may use the site from time to time but not regularly. We don’t use a lot of worksheets in our homeschool.
Even though it wasn’t a perfect fit for how we homeschool, I can see some may like using this site to create worksheets and tests for their homeschool. Some may enjoy using the worksheets to do a quick knowledge check on a topic, too.
The site has many interesting topics. If your kids have an interest in something, you could assign an online lesson. They are simple and quick to complete.
To find out how others used HelpTeaching.com in their homeschool, click the banner below to read more reviews.

Happy Homeschooling!