Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
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For a couple of years, I have been using the Ultimate Membership of SchoolhouseTeachers.com, a division of The Old Schoolhouse®, in our homeschool. It is a complete homeschool curriculum for the whole family, and it is always getting better. I can’t wait to share some of the new features added to the curriculum, how we’ve been using it in our homeschool, and why it is such a great deal.
What is SchoolhouseTeachers.com
If you aren’t familiar with SchoolhouseTeachers.com, let me share a little about it. First, SchoolhouseTeachers.com is a complete homeschool curriculum for grades PreK-12. This online curriculum offers courses in all core subjects and plenty of electives. All you need to teach each class is provided for you. You don’t need to buy extra textbooks and materials. It is all there for you, along with all the lesson plans.
Easy peasy, right?
Not only is it a complete curriculum to teach the whole family, but plenty of homeschool support too. You can find help for homeschooling high school, scope and sequence, premade curriculum boxes, planners, record keeping, and more.
Homeschooling can get expensive when you have a large family. However, with SchoolhouseTeachers.com, you get a fabulous deal. You get everything you need to teach all your kids and lots of homeschool help for one price.
So, to sum it up, you get:
- Curriculum for the whole family Pre-K thru 12
- All core subjects and electives
- Grade Boxes to take the guesswork out of what to teach
- There are no books to buy because everything is included through readings, videos, and links.
- Homeschool support for parents on record keeping, special needs help, encouragement, and more

Fun New Features
I just found out that SchoolhouseTeachers.com is celebrating 10 years in March 2022! When it first began, it had only eleven courses. Now they offer over 400.
Not only have they added more courses, but they are continuing to add even more this year. My daughter can’t wait for the psychology course coming soon. Besides new classes, they will also add PreK and Parent Boxes. So they will have the complete curriculum and resources needed for PreK and parents. Pretty exciting, huh?
There are plenty of other new things coming out, like a Virtual Talent show, Science Fair, and art and photography contest. It is impressive that they continually improve things to help homeschool families stretch their dollars and make the most of their homeschool.

How We’ve Been Using This Complete Homeschool Curriculum
As I mentioned, I’ve been using SchoolhouseTeachers.com for two years. I’ve used it for writing, reading, filmmaking, art, guitar, and typing in our homeschool. In addition, we often check out all the cool electives and pick some to add to our year.
I have other reviews I’ve done on SchoolhouseTeachers.com. One review from 2020 and one from 2021. You can take a look to learn even more about this curriculum.
Using SchoolhouseTeachers.com with My 9th Grader
Recently, though, I’ve been using parts of the grade nine Curriculum Box. I love that they have grades 9th-12th Curriculum Boxes because I hope it will remove families’ fear of homeschooling high school. So many families are scared to teach high school, and kids often end up back in traditional schools.
The 9th-12th Curriculum Boxes have the complete homeschool curriculum needed to teach those grades. All the core subjects are laid out for you. So you know what to teach for each grade level.

I’ve been using the Art program in the 9th-grade Curriculum Box with my daughter. The lesson plans are very simple and easy to follow. My daughter opens the lessons for herself, goes to her assignment, and clicks on the links to read or watch a video. It really is that simple.
She finds the lessons very easy, well explained, and the projects fun. Here is one of her art projects.

Using SchoolhouseTeachers.com with My Seventh-Grader
On the other hand, my son is doing the Nature/Outdoors course. He is in 7th grade and using this nature study course for science. It is great. The units give you choices depending on the season/weather in your area.
For example, our first unit gave us the option of Evergreens or Sand. We did evergreens because it was late fall, almost wintertime when we started it.

The units have hands-on and outdoor activities. Plus, they give options to adjust for younger kids and older kids in the family.
Since my son is a seventh-grader, I’ve chosen the older kid options. For instance, when studying birds, this is what the assignment said for older kids:
“Older students might want to learn more about the classification of the birds, and possibly what their eggs look like, and include it on their journal page. Younger students could just learn the names of a few birds common to their area.”
(SchoolhouseTeachers.com Nature/Outdoors Lesson 2 Bird Unit)
See how nicely it adjusts assignments for kids.
Here’s what my son did.

My boy is having fun with these Nature/Outdoor units. It gets him outside exploring nature and learning about the natural world around him. He really likes how simple, and to the point lessons are. They don’t drone on and on just to fill space. It is perfect for his learning style.
Overall Thoughts on This Complete Homeschool Curriculum
Overall, my kids and I have been delighted with all the classes we have taken on SchoolhouseTeachers.com. I have even taken some of their high school art classes just for me! All the classes are as easy as open-and-go. Everything is inside the course for you, and the lesson plans are easy to follow.
The Ultimate Membership of SchoolhouseTeachers.com (Affiliate Link) is such an excellent value for families. For one price, you get homeschool support and a complete homeschool curriculum for everyone in the family. You don’t need to buy lots of other materials or pay for each kiddo. It’s great. It is an excellent option for families on a tight budget.
I think the addition of the grade level Curriculum Boxes is excellent. It is a big help in taking the guesswork out of what to teach, especially for the high school years. I can’t wait to see what is inside their new Parent Boxes coming out this year.
Other members of the Review Crew reviewed the Ultimate Membership for SchoolhouseTeachers.com. You can read their reviews to find out even more. Click the banner below!

Happy Homeschooling!