As 2020 comes to a close, I began thinking of a word of the year to guide me through the next year. I haven’t really done it before. It wasn’t until last year I had heard about it. It seemed to me, though, I needed one for 2021.
Let’s face it. We all know 2020 sucked. Part of it was the constant uncertainty on what was going to come next. In all honesty, it DROVE ME NUTS!
I am someone that likes things to be in my control. Heck, I used to be a classroom teacher. As one teacher put it, “All teachers have control issues. That’s why we teach. We are in control of our own little world inside our classrooms.”
She was right. I never realized it until then.
I like order, predictability, and making my own decisions. Um, homeschool mom here. 🙋🏻♀️
So when March hit and things were all up in the air, I didn’t handle it well.
Who did???
Now, I will admit, the whole year wasn’t bad. I did have some positive things come of it BECAUSE Of all that was going on in the world. It certainly slowed our chaotic homeschool life down quite a bit. Which I really needed.
Though I don’t have high hopes everything is going back to normal in 2021, at least I feel like I know what to expect (sort of). Enough so that I feel like I can move on with some direction.
Part of moving forward is picking a word of the year.

Word of the Year 2021
First off, if you don’t know, a word of the year is one that will guide you through the year. It is a word that you will look to for guidance in your goals and for being the best you possible.
Next, it is time to think of that one word that will help you achieve what you want and/or who you want to be. It honestly didn’t take me long to think of it.
My word for the year is FOCUS.

Why FOCUS???
Well to put it simply, if we can focus, so much in our lives will fall into place.
However, it depends what we focus on.
One thing 2020 taught me is that it is easy to focus on the negative. And boy…there was a lot of negative. However, focusing on the positive can make goals (and life) a lot easier.
Focus in Homeschooling
In the area of homeschooling, FOCUS means focusing on OUR homeschool.
I think this is important for all homeschool families. Don’t get sidetracked by what others are doing. Focus on what works for your family and keep doing that.
It is easy to think someone is doing this homeschooling thing waaaay better, or another method MUST be better than what you are following, or maybe the curriculum someone else is using will solve all the problems.
Focus on making your homeschool the best for you and your kids. Spend extra time playing games, incorporating their interests, or sticking to your plans. Do what YOU need to do for your homeschool.
{RELATED: Want tips on how to have a successful homeschool year after year? CLICK HERE.}
Focus in Family Life
One great lesson that came out of 2020 is focus on family.
In 2021, I am focusing on what makes our family happy. We are going to find the little things that make us happy and focus on that.
For us, the kids and I like hikes, walking the beach, and watching movies together.
As 2021 kicks off, think about what makes your family happy and do it. Focus on your little bubble if the world is getting to be too much. Create a list together or make a jar that you can pull ideas from. Make it is truly family focused.
Below is a FREE WORKSHEET to help you get started.

Focus in Personal/Work Goals
Focus is hard for me. How about you? I get distracted and start something only to see something else and follow that.
I encourage you to write down EXACTLY what your personal or work goals are, the steps to attain them, and focus on that. Don’t get distracted by everything else.
For me, I plan on working more on me. I started to in 2020 but will continue with more focus in 2021.
First, I plan on scheduling more time for me (both for mental and physical health). There is ALWAYS work to be done. I am setting time for me to exercise and pursue hobbies I’ve long ago stopped doing.
I am giving myself set times (days and time limits) for working on my blog, making products, etc.. In doing so, I can fit in hobbies, exercise, and more family time.
For work goals, I plan on creating useful units and resources to add fun into people’s homeschool. I want to focus on helping other homeschoolers and parents more.
I’ve written down the steps, in order, I need to achieve my goals. This is the one area I REALLY need to focus and stick to my plan.
What personal and work goals do you have? Write them down, and the steps you need to make them happen.
Your Word of the Year

Now it is your turn. What will your word be?
Need Help Finding Your Word of the Year?
Over at Jen Fulwiler, you can find a Word of the Year generator. Click the button, and it will give you a word that may help guide you. For me, I got HABITS. It is a pretty good word. I certainly need to create habits. I can’t do it, though, without FOCUS. 😉
If you would like a list of word options, check out Mama Smiles. She provides some lists for different choices, and she also has a Word Generator tool. The lists can be helpful in letting you choose what might work for you.
So, what word will you have guide you as 2021 begins?
Leave your word for the year in the comments below. I’d love to hear what you are focusing on.