Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
I’m always looking for ways to add music to our homeschool. After all, it’s not only a way to fulfill our fine arts requirement for homeschooling but also because it important part of a child’s education. With busy schedules, though, it can be hard to fit in. However, my family and I have been trying out Smart Kidz Radio: Member’s On-Demand Radio Program Library for the past several weeks. It has been a good way to include music in our homeschool with this educational and inspirational radio station for kids.

What is Smart Kidz Radio?
Smart Kidz Radio is a radio station just for kids! All your kids need to do is log in on a computer, pick a radio program, and begin listening.
I’d say most of the content on the radio station is geared towards kids 10 and under, though, older kids will find programs they can listen to also. This radio station for kids provides educational programs, sing-alongs, and music education.
Young children can find bedtime stories, early learning programs on various life skills, and bible and inspirational music.

For those kiddos that are a little older, they may enjoy listening to educational programs on lizards or chemistry, learn to speak Spanish, or play background study music. Overall, there are many radio programs to choose from.
Now one cool thing about this radio station for kids is it sounds like a radio station. Each program has a D.J. who shares background on what the kids are listening to. For the educational programs, there is a teacher that also talks to the kids and presents the information.
Smart Kidz Radio is fun to listen to. To me, it sounds like an old radio program people would have listened to before the T.V became mainstream. It is very appealing to kids, even to my 11 and 13-year-old middle schoolers.
Smart Kidz Radio Foundation
Smart Kidz Radio has a nonprofit foundation, SmartKidz Foundation, that is designed to encourage kids to become active in their world and make a positive difference. The foundation receives 20% of the membership fees from Smart Kidz Radio to help support programs and provides scholarships, so kids can help shape the future in a positive way.
How We Used This Radio Station for Kids
As I mentioned above, my kids are middle schoolers. At first, I was worried there wouldn’t be much for them to listen to, however, this wasn’t the case. We had a lot of fun listening to different music styles, and I was able to include some programs in our homeschool curriculum.
We started off with some fun music. The first day we listened to 50s music. Found under Nostalgic Music Programs, the Golden Oldies 50s Volume 1-3 not only plays music from the time period but explains the history of the music in this decade. My kids loved it and often would listen to it on their own.

Other music programs we listened to were:
- Classical Classics Show- You learn about classical musicians and listen to their music.
- Study Music Background Programs- Kids will learn about the benefits of background music while studying and listen to a selection of music while they work.
- Music Education and Discovery– We listened to Music From Greece since we were studying Ancient Greece. The kids learned about the style of music for that region.
- Reptiles with an Attitude and Lizards and Scaly Things– My son is studying reptiles and amphibians so as part of his science, he listened to the educational program to learn more about these creatures. It was very engaging and entertaining.

Out of my own curiosity, I checked out some of the other programs. I listened to their Learning Spanish Songs, First Spanish Words, and Learning to Multiply program. I was very impressed with how well done the programs were. Kids will enjoy listening to them AND will learn the concepts being taught in a fun way.
For fun, one day my daughter and I played the Boogieman in the Basement (a fun Halloween program) and Sing-Along Camp Song Fun. We had to listen to the camp songs since we are a scouting family and Scout Camp is all about camp songs. Both programs were great.
To this day, my kids bring up the radio station on their computers and try different programs. My son finds the D.J. radio-style very enjoyable. My daughter loves listening to the 50s music while working in her room. Even I put on the Study Background music while I’m working at the computer.
We are excitedly waiting for the Hits from Broadway and All-Time Favorite Movie Themes that will be coming soon.
On a side note, I would have LOVED to have had this when I ran my daycare and preschool. We would have listened to the radio station a lot. Smart Kidz Radio has fun stories, holiday programs, and uses music to make learning enjoyable.
Overall, this radio station for kids would be a great addition to any homeschool. Kids will enjoy the music and the information they’ll learn because it is in an engaging radio format. It is an easy way to include music education in your homeschool and use music to teach other educational topics. Learning new things will be even more fun!
To find out how others used Smart Kidz Radio in their homes, click the banner below.

Happy Homeschooling!