Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
In our homeschool, we tend to follow a relaxed Classical Method of homeschooling. We have worked our way through the four cycles of this method in the early elementary years. Now for middle school, I’m letting my kiddos take a more interest-led approach to history. My 8th-grade daughter chose to study the Civil War. I was, therefore, super excited when a review popped up from Figures in Motion and their Famous Figures of the Civil War paper puppets for kids. It was the perfect fit!
I can’t wait to share what Figures in Motion have to offer. Let me tell you about this product and how we used it in our homeschool.

Figures in Motion’s Paper Puppets for Kids
First off, let me tell you a bit about Figures in Motion. Figures in Motion offers a line of paper puppets for kids that are a great supplement to your history curriculum. The Review Crew is reviewing Famous Figures for:
- Ancient Times
- Middle Ages and Renaissance
- Early Modern Era
- American Revolution
- Civil War
They also have paper puppets for Dinosaurs on the Move, which we are not reviewing. Though, it may be something to check out for your kiddos that love dinosaurs.
The Paper Puppets
As mentioned above, we were lucky enough to try out the Famous Figures of the Civil War. We received a book with card stock pages. Inside is:
- Information cards on each figure.
- There are 10 paper puppets (a color version and a plain version of each figure to color).
- Suggested reading list.
- Directions that explain how to put the puppets together.
The paper puppets for kids are pretty cool. They are designed for elementary grades, though my 14-year-old had fun making them. The figures are made of heavy card stock and are articulated. You use small paper fasteners at different joints, making them moveable.
Using The Figures in Our Homeschool
Even though my daughter is in 8th grade, she enjoyed making these articulated puppets. My 12-year-old son first scoffed at it, but once his sister started making them, he was begging to make some. His sister gave him a few to make, and he loved it. He ran around the house, moving the arms and legs on the puppets.
So, you may be wondering how we used them for history.
Fortunately, our history program covers the historical figures in this program. Honestly, I think most programs would because the people in the book are prominent men and women of the time.
My daughter is making booklets on famous people of the Civil War and completing different activities on others in our history class. She uses the information cards in this resource to learn about each person, and each puppet is going in her Civil War notebook. She has been using the pre-colored figures but may go back later and color the black and white copies, too.
The Reading List with suggested materials is also handy. I have used it to find other materials to check out of the library. I always love finding new resources to add to our homeschool.
Other Uses of These Paper Puppets for Kids
I think these paper puppets can be a fun supplement for any history program you are using. Kids may find it fun to come up with little plays using the puppets. It would be a perfect way for kids to show what they’ve learned.
Another fun way to use these puppets would be to have kids use them as a visual for a biography presentation. Kids could use the black and white figures and color them. The information cards are helpful for younger kids, while older kids could use them as a starting point and do further research.
As my daughter places the puppets in her notebook, I may have her draw a background scene for each person. It is another way to extend learning.
There really are many uses for these movable paper figures. I’m sure some of your creative kids will find some fun ways to use them.

Overall, I would recommend adding this resource to your homeschool, whether it is just for history or even for biography studies in reading. I think your kids will enjoy using these products from Figures in Motion. They are pretty clever.
To find out what other families thought of the various Figures in Motion products, click HERE to read more.