Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
We are no strangers to Singapore Math. My children used this method in their early elementary years, so I am very familiar with this approach. So when the Review Crew was looking for reviewers for Singapore Math Live-Challenging Word Problems by Singapore Math Live, I was intrigued and wanted to check it out. I knew how challenging these word problems were and wanted to learn more about these online math videos.

What I Received for This Review
I received an online account for the Singapore Math Live videos and a physical workbook of Singapore Challenging Word Problems for the review. The online account was very easy to set up, and it was simple to access the online videos.
Normally, you would need to purchase the workbook separately. However, I was given it so I could review the online videos. The videos supplement the workbook.
Now, I had a choice of Levels 1-6. If you are not familiar with Singapore Math, I would HIGHLY suggest you look over workbook samples and the table of contents of each book on their site.
From experience, I know that this math approach is very rigorous and tends to be more challenging than other math programs of the same grade level. For example, Singapore Math was a grade or so higher than other programs we used later on.
So, after doing some research on the Singapore site, I decided on Challenging Word Problems Level 5.
About Singapore Math Live Online Math Videos
I have to say that I LOVE that there are online math videos. I really, really wished I had these when my kiddos were using the program years ago.
The math videos are organized by page numbers corresponding with the lessons in the workbook. There are videos for the Practice Problems and for the Challenge Word Problems. Along the side of the screen is a Lesson List which tells the page numbers each math video corresponds with.
Once you click into a lesson, underneath the video, you can find which time a particular problem is explained. So, if you want to watch problem #5, you will look to see what time it starts in the video and advance to that spot.

The video lessons walk you or your child through each problem step-by-step. The instructor writes out the problem and works it out for you. At times, the instructor changes colors to highlight important or related information.

If a problem has more than one way to solve it, each method is shown. Some methods are more concrete with diagrams, charts, and such. Other methods use more mathematical steps. This is a great way to help children with different learning styles.
These videos seemed to be more geared toward helping the parent explain the problems to their children from comments made. However, kids could certainly watch them, too. It will depend on your child.
The Workbook the Math Videos Supplement
The Challenging Word Problems math workbook on which the math videos are based is your standard math workbook. The book is broken up into topics, and each topic has word problems- practice and challenge.

Each section starts off with step-by-step examples of a problem. Some problems give two methods to solve the same problem. After a couple of examples, students move into doing Practice Problems. There is plenty of space for kids to work out each problem.
After several practice word problems, students have Challenge Word Problems. These are definitely harder than the practice ones.
The Workbook and Math Videos Work Together
In the back of the workbook is an answer key that provides the solutions for each problem. However, the online math videos are much better, especially if you do better with someone showing you how to solve problems.
With the videos, parents (or kids) have someone walking them through the problem and explaining the process. Unfortunately, you can’t always get that understanding piece by looking at a list of steps in a book.
The nice thing about the videos is you can watch them and see how to help your child or have your child watch it with you. In addition, the videos are well laid out, so you can easily find the problems you want to work on.
Using these Online Math Videos in Our Homeschool
So, how did we use this in our homeschool?
I used this program with my seventh-grade son. I wanted to use it to review previous math concepts but with word problems.
After looking through the table of contents and sample pages, I decided the Level 5 book and videos would be a good fit.
Level 5 Videos cover the following concepts:
- Whole Numbers
- Fractions
- Area and Perimeter
- Ratio
- Decimals
- Volume
- Percentage
- Angles and Triangles
- Quadrilaterals
- Average and Plots
- Rate
- Data Analysis
As I’ve mentioned, Singapore is a challenging program. At least, we think so. The word problems are multistep problems that really challenge kids to think critically. Honestly, I HAD trouble with many problems and was super grateful for the videos. It helped ME understand what to do.
My son was CHALLENGED and often struggled a great deal. So during the review, we tackled a few problems a day, not necessarily all the practice problems or all the challenge problems.

When my son had trouble with a problem, we would go to the videos. We watched how to solve the problem, and he worked through the problem afterward to make sure he understood how to do it for himself.

I couldn’t have helped my son with some of the problems without the online videos. Word problems have also always been a struggle for me.
Even though these are challenging, I think they are worth doing. These problems teach kids to think and analyze problems, an excellent skill for life.
Luckily, there are videos to help! So even if my son can’t come up with some of the answers himself, the math videos begin to show him different ways of thinking and approaching math.

How to Use Singapore Math Live in Your Homeschool
One way to use these videos in your homeschool is to have your children tackle the problems and then watch the videos to make sure they understand the steps and the WHY. So many times, kids can follow steps but not know why they are doing it.
Another option would be to have your children watch the videos for the practice problems and work through them with the instructor. When they get ready for the challenge problems, kiddos could attempt the problems first and then watch the videos as needed.
Finally, mom and dad, you could use the videos to help you teach your kids. Sometimes, kiddos learn best from you because you know how to teach your kids the way they learn.
All-in-all, the Singapore Math Live videos are a great asset to learning to solve challenging word problems.
Other families reviewed Singapore Math Live- Challenging Word Problems. Look at all their reviews to see how this worked in their homeschool.

Happy Homeschooling!