Wordless Wednesday is a day to share a picture or pictures that speak for themselves.
Let’s Get Hiking
I have been working hard this summer to get my kids to enjoy the outdoors. We are a scouting family, and if you notice, there is “outing” in scouting.
However, my kids are in the early teen and tween age group. I notice them hiding in their rooms more and not wanting to venture out as much.
Since everything going on in the world right now, the national park in our state is much easier to access. Normally, you need to go very early to try and get in.
Not this year.
Because of it, we bought a yearly pass and have set out every week on a new hiking adventure.
You know what?!
They are enjoying themselves. My kids are excited to go. Even my son and has stopped asking how long the hike will me. They can’t wait to see what new sights they will see along the trails.
Hiking is a great outdoor activity that can be a life-long activity. People of all ages can go on a hike. It is an easy way to build the outdoor “habit” in kids.
My goal is that hiking will be something my kids will seek to enjoy well into adulthood, so they stay active and strong.
I guess, this is a “not so Wordless Wednesday.”
I just feel with our kids being so plugged into computers nowadays, it is even more important to find an activity to get kids up and outside. Hiking is one way to do so.
So, here are some pictures to inspire you to get your kids outdoors.
Hiking in Maine with Kids

Before going out on a hike with kids, think about getting some apps for your phone (or guide books) to help kids ID birds and plants they come across. It is such a fun way to keep them engaged, even teens. So see, hiking isn’t only great exercise for the body, it is a good way to get kids interested in nature.
You might want to check out my Great Outdoors Activity Packet. In it, you can find some scavenger hunts to do with kids. Hiking may even inspire some kids to study birds.
So put on some hiking shoes and get the kids outside.