So many families are in a tough situation right now. Are you one of them that is trying to decide what to do about your child’s education? Were you recently thrust into a situation of trying to figure out how to help your child with their education at home with no preparation? Is homeschooling something you are considering?
Let me reassure you what many families faced this spring (with the pandemic) was NOT homeschooling. Homeschooling takes planning and careful decision- making.
Homeschooling is a lifestyle as much as it is an educational choice. I don’t know if many families think of this in the beginning, but it is.
If you are trying to decide whether to homeschool, there are some things you need to consider.

What to Consider Before You Homeschool
#1- Starting out is Overwhelming
Deciding to take the leap and homeschool scared me. I had taught almost 10 years in public and private school (not counting my years teaching preschool). Even I was terrified and overwhelmed at the thought of homeschooling.

Don’t let this discourage you.
All the important things in our life are scary at first.
Remember the day you brought your first baby home??? Now that was more than a little nerve-wracking. But what did you do to prepare? I’m sure you asked every mom for advice, read lots of books, and went looking for expert advice before your first child was born.
Guess what?
It’s the same with homeschooling. You ask people you know, scour the internet, read the books, and ask the experts. Then homeschooling isn’t so overwhelming once you know a little more and have a plan.
Homeschooling can still be overwhelming to me even after all this time. This leads me to my next point.
You might like “Getting Started in Homeschooling: The Best Tips You Need Now”.
#2- Homeschooling is a lot of Hard Work
Homeschooling is hard. It requires a lot of hard work. You need to figure out what you want to teach, how you want to teach it, what you’re going to use, and continually reassess how things are going. Don’t even get me started on record keeping and correcting work. Ugh.
Let me tell you a little story to illustrate how things aren’t always so easy in homeschooling.
A Little Story
Once upon a time, there was a foolish lady. She bought her oldest child’s curriculum and said, “Now I will have all this to reuse with her brother in a couple of years. I will save lots of money, and I will teach him the same things I taught his sister. Everything will be all planned out. It will be so easy.”
Let me tell you, this story had a different ending.
The foolish lady bought the curriculum for the oldest child. The oldest child did not write in the workbooks. After all, the little brother would use them in a couple of years. However, not all of the curriculum worked with little brother, and the foolish lady had to buy all new materials for him. He also had different interests and a different learning style. Homeschooling was not so easy as planned. THE END.
I’m not saying this to be discouraging. You need to be aware that homeschooling takes work and time. It takes time to figure out what will work for each kid (and you, too). You may need time to find a schedule or curriculum that works.
There are ways to make things easier like online classes that do the teaching and grading for you. You can join co-ops, or sign your kids up for lessons. If you have a homeschool method you like (Charlotte Manson, Classical Education, Montessori, etc.), then you will find plenty of materials that will guide you through what to teach and materials to use.
However, homeschooling takes a lot of work. If you are dedicated to providing the best education for your child, you can make it happen.

#3- Homeschooling has its Ups and Downs
Usually, the first year of homeschooling is the toughest. You and your kids are trying to figure things out. You are trying to find a schedule that works, how your kids learn, and what resources will work.
As time goes on, you settle in. It doesn’t mean things are smooth sailing. Some years will make you smile and feel so accomplished. Other years, you shake your head and feel like a failure. It isn’t true, but you feel like it.
Homeschooling is a lifestyle. Like every aspect of life, we have ups and downs. Some homeschoolers will say homeschooling has different seasons. While others may describe it as a roller coaster.
All of it is normal. You have to take it as it comes and adjust.
#4- Freedom
One of the BEST things in the world about homeschooling is FREEDOM!
Homeschooling lets you live your life how you see fit. You choose what you want your kids to learn and how you want them to learn it. If your kids love dinosaurs, you can study dinosaurs. They can read and write about them. You can even incorporate math story problems involving dinosaurs.
For once, you control the schedule. You can homeschool at night, weekends, and take days off when it is convenient for your family.
One thing to learn early on is you can homeschool how your family the way to want. DON’T get caught up in what others are doing and think you need to copy it. Do whatever works for YOU! That is homeschool freedom.
#5- Family
There are many reasons families decide to homeschool. I have many, but what it boils down to is family. As hard as it is at times, I love having my kids with me every day. I get to watch them learn and grow. I don’t worry about missing a milestone (believe me it was a huge concern) or not knowing what’s going on in their lives. They are with me.

Of course, it isn’t all happy days. Ask my husband. I think some days he’s wanted to turn right back around and go to work as I rant and rave as he walks in the door.
The reality is everyone gets on each other’s nerves when you spend so much time together. But I feel lucky. I’m not missing a moment of my kids growing up.
#6- Rewarding
Like everything in life, the most rewarding things take a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. Homeschooling is no different. There is nothing more rewarding than watching your child learn and grow. It is even more satisfying knowing it is because of all the work you’ve put in that has made it happen.

Why Begin Homeschooling
Homeschooling is overwhelming, a lot of hard work, and has its ups and downs.
Why would you homeschool?
Because despite all the hardships of homeschooling, the freedom, family time, and rewards far outweigh everything else.
So, if you are ready to start homeschooling take a look around my site. I have many resources to help you on your way. Here are a few to get you started.
- Why My Kids are Involved in Planning Our Homeschool Year
- How to Start Your Homeschool Year Off Right
- How and Why to Include Fun in Your Homeschool
- Homeschool Mission Statement: 3 Reasons Why it’s Important
Happy Homeschooling!