What do you do all day? Do your kids like being homeschooled? How long are you going to homeschool your kids? How do you make sure they are socialized?
As homeschool parents, we face these questions and a slew more. People who aren’t familiar with homeschooling are baffled by what it is. Often with misconceptions about homeschooling.
Other times, people are asking about homeschooling because they are interested in it but scared to take the leap. They want to hear how other people are making it work.
Parents aren’t the only ones that get asked: “What is Homeschooling?” Kids get quizzed, too. My kids were questioned quite a bit from public school friends when they first left to be homeschooled.
I loved to eavesdrop on these conversations to see what my kiddos had to say. After all, I think homeschooling is great, but what about my kids?!
So far, my kids still say they love being home and doing work with mom. Phew! Big sigh of relief on my part. I mean, I don’t want to be the mom that is torturing her kids all day with homeschooling. Now with chores…that’s a different story.
Let’s dig a little deeper into the secret life of homeschoolers.

What is Homeschooling?
Homeschooling is when parents take control of their child’s education and educate them at home. Parents decide on what to teach their child, who is involved in teaching them, and how to provide the education their child needs.
Homeschool Secret #1
Every family homeschools differently.
Yup! In homeschooling, parents educate their children at home but from there things are different. Not one family homeschools exactly the same. You can speak with 10 homeschool families and not one is using the same method, same curriculum, or same homeschool schedule.

It is okay! It’s what makes homeschooling great. Each family finds what works for them and does it.
Homeschool Secret #2
Every family homeschools for different reasons.
Often people assume someone is homeschooling because of religious beliefs. It is true that many home educators are Christian. You will find there are many other reasons for homeschooling, though.
Read more Homeschool Stereotypes: Are They Accurate? in this post.
The National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) found several reasons families choose home education. They state the most common reasons are as follows:
- customize or individualize the curriculum and learning environment for each child,
- accomplish more academically than in schools,
- use pedagogical approaches other than those typical in institutional schools,
- enhance family relationships between children and parents and among siblings,
- provide guided and reasoned social interactions with youthful peers and adults,
- provide a safer environment for children and youth because of physical violence, drugs and alcohol, psychological abuse, racism, and improper and unhealthy sexuality associated with institutional schools and
- teach and impart a particular set of values, beliefs, and worldviews to children and youth.
To read more statistics, you can read the full article at NHERI.
Where It All Began for Us
I can honestly say I never planned on homeschooling before my kids were born. I was a teacher. Since I was three, I wanted to be a teacher. Teaching was my calling in life.
So before I had kids, I envisioned they would go to the same school I was teaching at, we’d be on the same school schedule, and spend vacations with one another.
Nice, neat little life.
Then my daughter was born. Everything I envisioned went right out the window. I ended up a stay-at-home mom. While at home, I ended up doing preschool with my daughter. She LOVED learning, and I missed teaching.
Then I had my son, and I couldn’t imagine sending my kids away from me all day. I didn’t want to let someone else take over their education. It had been my job, and I wanted to continue. They did go to school, though.
I ended up running a daycare and preschool, so we could have extra money and the kids would come home to me. It was a good compromise. So I thought.

However, school just didn’t work for my kids. My daughter went until 2nd grade and my son only for kindergarten. My kids loved learning and exploring new topics. They excelled, but the schools couldn’t meet their needs. So they came home to me.
Homeschool Secret #3
Homeschooling is a lifestyle.
Homeschooling is about families living and learning together. Learning often becomes embedded in their lives. Family outings are based on learning opportunities. Extra curriculum activities are often filling some interest the kids have and/or an educational need.

The fun thing about homeschooling is learning is just part of everyday life. It isn’t a separate place to go and confined to those walls. It is everywhere. Kids see learning all around them.

Homeschool Secret #4
Homeschooling is hard (but worth it).
There are many pros and cons to homeschooling. Ask any homeschool family and they will tell you.
Families will tell you it is wonderful to be with your kids all the time. They will also tell you it is hard to be with your kids all. the. time.
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Homeschooling is hard work. As parents, we are always trying to find a curriculum or method that will work. We are planning for multiple grade levels, correcting work, and trying to homeschool multiple kids with little ones around.

Homeschooling is hard. It isn’t for those looking for an easy job. It.is.not.easy.
It may be hard, but it is worth all the sweat and tears that go into it. We do it all for our family.
Our Homeschool Life Today
What do we do all day?
Everyone always wants to know what homeschoolers do all day. I bet every family would answer the same way: It depends on the day.
Our schedule is always busy. The kids are part of 4-H, scouts, drama, and sports, depending on the season. Then throw in other interests that pop up, like Destination Imagination or a STEM after-school program, and we are quite busy.
With our flexible schedule, the kids get to pursue outside interests that often are part of their academic work. For example, the play rehearsals and performances my daughter participates in count towards fine arts.
Our day ebbs and flows. The kids do some work, play a little, do more work, and do other things that interest them throughout the day. We go on field trips, go to activities, and hang out as a family. Academic work is sprinkled throughout the day.

The Secret of Homeschoolers
So what is the big secret of homeschooling?!
Every family approaches homeschooling differently.
Yup, that’s it!
You can’t talk to one family and say, “This is what homeschooling is!” All my fellow homeschooling moms approach homeschooling in their own unique way. Not one person I talk to does it like the next.
You know what? That’s what makes it great.
Homeschooling gives every family the freedom to educate their kids the way they see fit. We are a classical, eclectic homeschool family. I tend to use the classical model as a guide but vary it depending on the needs of my kids.
We homeschool Monday through Friday except for summers. In the summer, we work only three days a week on fewer subjects. Many families I know have an approach and schedule far different from my own.
You might like Homeschooling Year-Round: Why We Love It.
So that is our secret life of homeschooling. We work and play as a family every day. Our home is an environment for learning, and we escape into the “real” world to continue our learning out there. Education is all about teaching kids how to learn and that learning takes place in everyday life.
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