I feel so lucky to be nominated for another blogging award. Thanks to Becky at Russells Loving Life for the nomination. She is an amazing blogger that is very supportive and encouraging. I would recommend checking out her blog. She has homeschool encouragement and support, yummy recipes, and a super fun YouTube channel with great science experiments for kids.
What is The Mystery Blogger Award?
The Mystery Blogger Award was created by blogger Okota Enigma. According to Enigma, “the ‘Mystery Blogger Award’ is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; they do it with so much love and passion.” If you want to learn more, including why Enigma created the award, check out her original post here.
What are the Mystery Blogger Award Rules?
- Put the award logo onto your blog.
- List the award rules.
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Link to the blog of the person who nominated you.
- Mention the creator of the award and link to the award post.
- State 3 random facts about yourself.
- Nominate 10-20 bloggers for the Mystery Blogger Award.
- Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choosing.
- Share a link to your best blog post.

3 Facts About Me:
- I am much more involved person because of my kids. I am a Den Leader in Cub Scouts, Scout Master for a girl troop, and 4-H leader. My younger self would have never imagined any of this. My kids push me to want to be my best self and to set a good example for them. They have greatly changed me in so many positive ways.
- I have pet chickens. Yes, pet chickens. They are the most spoiled little creatures on Earth. I started with chickens when a young bantam rooster came strolling up the road one day and never left. I was hooked. They are great pets. The kids learn a lot about taking care of livestock especially when much of the veterinary care falls on us to figure out ourselves.
- I never planned on being a Stay-at-Home or homeschooling mom. I spent my whole life wanting to be a teacher. I did become a teacher. However, I figured when I had kids they would attend the school I was teaching in, and we’d have vacation time together. Once my daughter was born plans changed. After a long maternity leave and one year back to teaching, I left and stayed home. I couldn’t imagine any other life now.
My Answers to Becky’s Questions:
1. What is your favorite birthday memory? My favorite birthday memory is the year I turned 24. I had gone out to lunch and a movie with my current boyfriend. We went home, and he hands me my present. I opened it and stared in confusion for a moment until I realized it was an engagement ring. That was 17 years ago. I will always remember that day.
2. What is one thing that not very many people know about you? I have a love-hate relationship with the outdoors. I like the sunshine, going for walks, and exploring with my kids. I hate bugs and creepy-crawly things. And even though I love the heat, I easily get overheated and sick from it.
3. What is your greatest accomplishment? My greatest accomplishment is probably receiving my teacher certification and completing my Masters in education. It was a life long goal of my mine, and I made it happen. Even though I no longer teach in the schools, I still keep up with my certification.
4. Where would you go for your dream vacation and why? I know it is not very creative but probably in Florida. I would love to bring my kids to Disney, Sea World, Busch Gardens, and Universal. I have so many happy memories of going to these places as a kid. We went several times and each time was just as fun. I’d love to share it with my kids, too.
5. What is your five-year goal for your blog? My five-year goal for my blog is to reach more families. I want to help other families feel encouraged and supported in the homeschooling community. I also want to have great activities for parents to share the love of learning with their kids. I hope to make enough to help my family so we can go on many learning adventures near and far.
My Favorite Blog Post
My favorite blog post. That is a tough one. One of my favorites to DO was Baking with Kids: Halloween Cupcake Fun. My kids and I love baking, and we had so much fun doing this together.
A post that I felt was important to write was Homeschool Mom, You Don’t Need to Know It All. I felt moms needed to hear this message. It is so easy to feel like you need to know it all to homeschool and give up. I want moms to know this isn’t the case.
My Nominees for the Mystery Blogger Award
I have found so many wonderful and supportive bloggers over the last several months when I began my blogging journey. I would encourage everyone to check out the list below. They are a bunch of awesome people with a lot to share.
My nominees are:
- Kristen @ A Mom’s Quest to Teach
- Michelle @ Homeschool Your Boys
- Sandra @ Pictures of a Homeschool
- Alexandra @ Scissors and Glue
- Leah @ As We Walk Along the Road
- Ali @ This Addictive Mess
- Kat @ Califf Creations
- Jasmin @ My Joy in Life
- Molly @ Exploring Through Life
- Cheryl @Joyfaithstrength.com
I can’t wait to hear your answers to the five questions and learn 3 facts about you. Be sure to tag me.
I love that you have a pet chicken. I could not imagine having one. We learn so much from out pets! Congratulations on the award.
Thanks for nominating me, Becky. I appreciate all your support.