It is so easy as a homeschool parent to forget to be well, just mom. I know I can get in teacher mode and forget to shut it off. However, homeschooling is more than teaching.
You know what I mean, right?
You get in the groove of planning your homeschool, teaching the kids, correcting work… Rinse and repeat.
Sure, you might include some fun learning activities in your day. But in the end, you go from teacher to homemaker or maybe even worker.
Thus, you take off your teacher hat and change to cook (dinner needs to be made), housekeeper (the house is a disaster from homeschooling), or worker (in the home or outside the home).
I’m not saying life is like this every day. Sometimes, though, we get in a rut.
Honestly, I’m guilty of this.

Homeschooling is More Than Teaching
It is easy to get caught up in “all the things” that need to be taught. But, as the years go by, you start to realize doing every chapter of a curriculum and getting through every workbook isn’t necessary for an excellent education. You begin to see homeschooling is more than teaching facts.
I recently read an article on having JBWC Days (Just Because We Can). It’s about including fun just because you can. It’s a good read.
So, I was inspired to include more fun. Not educational fun; just plain being a mom fun. And make sure not to bring my kids to some fun event. Actually, joining in.
How am I doing this?
Well, yesterday, I took my teens out sledding. However, I didn’t just stand around and watch them. I joined in!
My kids were never so thrilled. Even when I almost plowed over my daughter with my sled. 🤪
Do you know what happened?
We laughed together!
My teens kept thanking me over and over for going sledding.
Did you catch that?
They thanked me for going sledding. Not for taking them.
So, in the end, remember to be the mom that joins in WITH the kids. Even teenagers will appreciate it.
After all, we aren’t just teachers. But, most importantly, we are moms.
Homeschooling is about family time. Learning, growing, and being together as a family.
Don’t forget to insert yourself in the fun, mom (dad, too). 😉
Happy Homeschooling!
Love this! Teens can be so much fun, especially when you’re sharing in that fun – and the nearly plowing her will be the part remembered even more!
I had been so limited for over a year with my shoulder, it was great to get back to do fun things with them. I forget how important it really is to them and me.