I love homeschooling. It can be hard at times, but we sometimes make things more difficult on ourselves with our own thoughts. Believe me, I know. Even after six years, I do it too. But we need to understand one simple thing so we can homeschool with confidence.
However, so many families lack confidence in homeschooling for one simple reason. It can even ruin the veteran homeschooler’s confidence.
Do you know what it is?
It is the belief that you need to know it all. I wrote a whole post a while back on how you don’t need to know it all. You can check it out for yourself.
Homeschooling with Confidence
Some people are afraid to start homeschooling because they think they aren’t smart enough. While other families will put their kids back in school as they approach the middle or high school years because they don’t think they can teach those grade levels. They fear they can’t meet their child’s needs, and they no longer homeschool with confidence.
But there is one little secret you need to know. I think it is best said in this quote from Hifalutin Homeschooler.

Yup! It is true.
So many parents fear they have to know it all.
Guess what?!
You don’t.
You really can learn right along with your kids. Once you realize that, you CAN homeschool with more confidence.
Just think about the example you are setting for your kids. They are learning that even grown-ups need to learn or relearn things.
Now, I know some may think your kids will think you aren’t very smart or feel like, “how can you homeschool me if you don’t know it.” But I have never found this to be the case. I’ve been honest with my kids from the start. I let them know it’s been a long time since I learned some of this stuff, so I have to relearn it with them.
Plus, it is so much fun learning with your kids. It is so awesome to learn together.
Once you realize you can enjoy learning alongside your kids, homeschool isn’t so overwhelming. You can hold your head up high and homeschool with confidence.
{From time to time, I like to share homeschool quotes that speak to me. This is one of them. If you want to see others, I have one on life-long learners and the benefits of homeschooling. }
Happy Homeschooling!

Great advice! I have learned so much more this “second time around” than I did in school! I wish I was as confident when I first started, but it comes with time.