I think this quote sums up one of the greatest things about homeschooling. I don’t know about you, but I love relearning and exploring new information with my kids. Honestly, I think this is why I got into teaching many years ago.
Throughout different times in our life, I think we learn different lessons from things we revisit. Life and people in our lives help us see things in a new and different way. I’ve noticed I better understand some things now than when I was teaching it to fourth graders over twenty years ago.
We are always learning. Teaching our kids helps us learn new things along the way. What better people to learn new things with than our kids.
I feel so lucky to be on this learning journey with my kids. As homeschoolers, we can make learning exciting and fun. We can be great role models for our kids. When they see we love learning, it can’t help but be infectious. Our kids will more likely be life-long learners. Not to mention, isn’t it great that our kids see we are always learning too?
Over the years, I have seen some families treat homeschooling as a chore, something to check off that they’ve completed for the day. When you do that, you miss how great homeschooling can be.
As homeschooling parents, we can’t teach our kids everything. However, we can teach them to love learning, and that will bring them far in life.
“When one teaches, two learn.” How true it is!
What do you think?
Happy Homeschooling!
I couldn’t agree more! I have learned so much by teaching my kids – homeschooling has definitely reignited my love for learning!