I had every intention of writing a post on science resources, but my brain was on overdrive with all the doubts us homeschool moms face from time to time. You know the ones:
- Am I doing enough?
- Am I making the right choices for my kids?
- What if I am messing them up big time?
- Am I smart enough to teach this kid who has surpassed what I could do at that age?
- What if I am pushing them too much?
- Am I really preparing them for the future?
I know! I had a lot swirling through my mind. I’m sure you have asked yourself some of the same questions, too.
You know what started it all?
I was researching
Yep! Reading did it.
Okay, not necessarily reading. Letting myself get wrapped up in how other people must be doing the homeschool thing better than me did it.
Have you ever sat in your co-op talking with other homeschool moms or been scrolling through homeschool sites and thought, “Huh, we don’t do things like that.” And then came the “Should I being doing things like that?” thought.

Doubt can be one of our biggest enemies as a homeschool mom. I have told other moms not to worry. They know their kids best. Don’t compare yourself to others. You are doing great. You can do this. Don’t worry!
Which is all true!
But t
I began worrying I made the wrong choice for writing. It snowballed from there. I quickly jumped from writing to maybe our schedule is too planned out. It wasn’t leading anywhere good.
A quote I recently saw popped in my mind:

It is so true. I was letting my fears and doubts take over my mind. Sound familiar
When this happens, it’s best to walk away and come back when your emotions are in check.
Once I stepped away, I was able to get some perspective. What I concluded was this:
- We are all human. We are going to make mistakes, but the wrong curriculum isn’t going to be fatal. No one died or lost a job opportunity because mom chose the Institute for Excellence in Writing over Writing with Skill.
- We can always change our teaching, resources, and schedules to fit OUR family’s needs.
- We are not messing up our kids. We love them, and our choices are made with every intention of providing the best for them.
- We don’t have all the answers, and don’t have to. We have the library, internet, people who offer classes, and family and friends. Others can help.
- Deep down we KNOW if our kids are doing okay or not.
I am sure there are other homeschool mamas out there that have been in my shoes a time or two. I’m sure all MOMS have been in my shoes regardless if they homeschool or not. We all doubt our parenting choices from time to time.
In times of doubt, stop and watch your kids. (Not when they are bickering with each other or complaining about their work.) But watch them when they are busily working or sitting back reading. Notice how far they have come. Look at the things they are capable of that they couldn’t do three months, six months, or a year ago.
Smile and realize you are doing okay.
Do we flounder? Of course! We are human. Hopefully, our children see we make mistakes, and we learn from them. We don’t give up but persevere. It’s a good life lesson for them.
Homeschooling is a big responsibility. All big responsibilities come with tough decisions and consequences. For me, homeschooling is the most important job I have. I don’t want to screw it up. None of us do!
Our kids’ futures are resting in our hands. We need to provide the best for them. Doubt isn’t going to get the job done. Doubt is only going to stifle our actions.
So in times of doubt step back, assess the situation, but move forward. We need to put on our big girl pants and continue with this wonderful mission we accepted when we chose to homeschool.
Doubt shows we care and want to do our best. Actions will get it done, though.
And remember you know your kids best, don’t compare yourself to others, you are doing great, and you can do this.
What do you do when doubt gets in your way?
Happy Homeschooling!