Homeschooling is More Than Just Teaching: Join in the Fun, Mom!
It is so easy as a homeschool parent to forget to be well, just mom. I know I can get in teacher mode and forget to shut it off. However,…
It is so easy as a homeschool parent to forget to be well, just mom. I know I can get in teacher mode and forget to shut it off. However,…
Though we are year-round homeschoolers, we have a relaxed summer schedule and start in seriously in the fall. We have many standard traditions for our first day of homeschool. My…
We haven't always been homeschoolers. My kids went to public school briefly; my daughter went until second grade, and my son went to kindergarten. I hated every minute of it.…
In this week's Wordless Wednesday, take a look at life skills in the homeschool. Homeschooling is about teaching academics and life skills. If you want to learn more about life…
I found this quote at Stressless Homeschool and had to share it. For me, this is probably one of the biggest reasons to homeschool. In general, teaching our kids that…
I think this quote sums up one of the greatest things about homeschooling. I don't know about you, but I love relearning and exploring new information with my kids. Honestly,…
What do you do all day? Do your kids like being homeschooled? How long are you going to homeschool your kids? How do you make sure they are socialized? As…
The middle school years can bring drastic changes to your homeschooling. When kids are in the elementary years, they require much more one-on-one help. Moms are doing A LOT more…
Technology! Boy, our world is filled with SO MUCH technology. There is always the latest and greatest gadget. The newest item to make life easier. It is seems our kids…
The thought of homeschooling can be very intimidating to some. As parents, we often feel like we need to have all the answers. If we don't, we can't homeschool. Well,…