Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Have you heard about Teach Sunday School? They are a company that makes various Bible study materials for families. Recently, we’ve been reviewing Bible Blueprints in our homeschool. I can’t wait to share what this Bible study tool is all about.

Bible Study Tools from Teach Sunday School
Let me start off by telling you a little about Teach Sunday School. This company offers various Bible study tools from Bible lesson plans, games, study materials, and more. They make studying the Bible fun for kids and the whole family!
As they say on their site, “Studying the Bible should be a JOY… Not a CHORE.”
Last year, we had the privilege of trying one of their other products. I can say they do make fun products that make studying the Bible enjoyable. Their Bible Breakdown sheets were colorful printables that were great to use.
Now, we have Bible Blueprints.

What are Bible Blueprints?
You may be wondering how Bible Blueprints will help in your Bible studies.
Well, Bible Blueprints are PDF printables you download and print at home. I received both their Old and New Testament printables. That means I received 66 printables, one for each Book of the Bible. These colorful printables provide a quick overview of each Book in the Bible.

Each Bible Blueprints sheet includes the following information:
- The Book Name
- Order in Old/New Testament
- Number of Chapters
- Type
- Overview with Date Written, Time Period Covered, and Author
- Outline and Description of Sections within the Book
It is really that simple!
Bible Blueprints as a Bible Study Tool
Overall, Bible Blueprints are a useful Bible study tool because each sheet summarizes the Book you are studying. Each sheet highlights the important information you need to be aware of before reading.
Reading the Bible can be daunting, but these blueprints are an excellent refresher. However, if you are new to studying the Bible (like kids), it helps explain what you will be reading in simple terms.
Using Bible Blueprints In Our Homeschool
In our homeschool, we used Bible Blueprints as part of our history and Bible study. We had taken a break from our regular history/Bible curriculum while reviewing another history resource. Well, weeks had gone by.
Bible Blueprints came to the rescue!
I had the Old Testament Blueprints printed out. So, I flipped to 1 Kings, where our last unit began, and we reviewed it. I read through 1 Kings up to 2 Chronicles to refresh our memories of what we had been covering before we took a break.

It was fantastic! It brought us up to speed quickly, and we could continue.
Bible Blueprints also helps as we begin each new unit in our history program. At the beginning of each unit, we look at our timeline and the important Biblical events, people, and Books in the Bible we’ll cover. Then, we use this Bible study tool to read through and see what we will learn.
Bible Blueprints for Personal Bible Study
Not only do we use Bible Blueprints in our homeschool, but I also use them in my own Bible study. Before working on a new Book in the Bible, I read through the one-page study outline to help with my studies.
For example, I am currently starting a new study that focuses on Judges. It was helpful to look at the Blueprint and get a quick overview of this Book before beginning. I looked for the time period it covered and looked at the outline to see what events had occurred.

Overall, Bible Blueprints has been a helpful tool in our homeschool and in my own Bible study. It is a useful Bible study tool for the whole family.
Other Crew Members reviewed Bible Blueprints. Click the banner below to read all the reviews and read what they think.

Happy Homeschooling!